Last Updated: Thursday, 07 February 2019

Landscape Generator



In most customer (DirXML/IDM) projects I was involved with, there are normaly more then one server/service to access using a HTML browser.
I always strugle remembering the addresses and services hosted by the servers and of course it's hard to remember
(even for customers in the beginning) what the correct URLs are look like.

You can use HTML browser bookmarks to remember, but they don't look cool and they are hard to share with the
customer or other consultants.

That's why I created the Landscape Generator to offer an easy way to configure a cool looking customer
environment web page without writing any HTML code!
All you need is configuring an XML file!


The Landscape Generator consists of three modules: LDAPSearch, Reporter and Merger.LDAPSearch
        • used to discover eDirectory server objects from an eDirectory installation using LDAP
        • discovered information are stored in an Landscape style XML file
        • Landscape XML file can be used as base for further customization

        • used to generate merge multiple Landscape XML files to one Landscape XML file to be processed by the Reporter module

      • used to generate HTML file structure from the Landscape XML file content


    • LDAPSearch 1.6
      v1.6 - support for LDAP Anonymous login
      v1.5 - add -a,--cacerts = cacerts file containing the trusted root certificate to use a SSL connection
         (a Trusted Root certificate must be imported to the cacerts file before)
      v1.4 - support for SAP Portal
      - added -e, --example = generates example landscape.xml
      - support for 'eDirectory 8.8 SP1'
      - added NAudit discovery
      v1.3a - fixed LDAPException for eDir discovery
      v1.3 - support for IDM3 UserApp Server discovery
      v1.2 - parameter for company image
      - added support for eDirectory 8.8
      v1.1 - support for Lotus Domino discovery
      - added support for Active Directory discovery
      - added debug parameter
      v1.04 - support for 'eDirectory on Linux'
      v1.03 - fixed problem with multiple iManager entries in pco object
      - changed ncpServer search filter to leave out cluster resources
      - support for LDAP Referrals (switch -r)
      v1.02 - support for iManager discovery
      v1.01 - support for DirXML instance discovery
      v1.0 - initial version

    • Reporter 1.06a
      v1.06a - fixed sorting problem with <app>, <tapp> and <line>
      v1.06 - added command line parameter:
           -f,--file = xml_file to process
           -b,--base = commonbase
           -s,--smooth = blandTrans behaviour of html pages
      v1.05 - add second parameter as base for the common directory
      v1.04a - fixed issue with link="no"
      v1.04 - added support for link="no"
      v1.03 - removed custome rname from nnls_overview.html
      v1.02 - added home button in nnls_brand.html
      v1.01 - initial version

  • Merger 1.0
    v1.0 - merges multiple landscape xml files to one single landscape xml file

Setup, Configuration
and Usage:

    • unpack the to a directory
        • modify the discovery.bat to your customer enviroment
        • run 'discovery.bat' to generate initial customer xml and html files
        • open the index.html with your HTML browser
        • go over to Reporter mode

        Command line:
          LDAPSearch [{-l,--ldap} host_name] [{-p,--port} port] [{-u,--user} login dn] [{-w,--pwd} password] [{-b,--base}

                    searchbase] [{-d,--dns}] [{-r,--referral}] [{-n,--name} customer_name] [{-t,--titel} titel] [{-s,--subtitel} subtitel]

                    [{-x} system_name] [{-f,--file} xml_export_file]

[{-l,--ldap} host_name] ip address or hostname of the LDAP server
[{-p,--port} port] port for the LDAP server, default = 389
[{-u,--user} login dn] FDN of the logon user in LDAP notation
[{-w,--pwd} password] logon user password
[{-b,--base} searchbase] LDAP search base, default = top
[{-d,--dns}] not implemented yet
[{-r,--referral}] follow LDAP referrals during LDAP search, default = do not follow
[{-n,--name} customer_name] specifies the customer name (<base customer="Customer" ) in
the generated xml file
[{-t,--titel} titel] specifies the titel for the server page (<area name="Servers" titel="TREE Name")
in the generated xml file
[{-s,--subtitel} subtitel] specifies the titel for the server page (<area name="Servers" subtitel="customer server
subtitel") in the generated xml file
[{-y,--system} system_name] system to discover
- nothing specified = eDirectory (default)
- "Lotus Domino"
- "Active Directory"
[{-f,--file} xml_export_file] xml export file used by the Reporter module
[{-c,--company} company_logo_file] - specifies an image to be shown as the content of the nnls_overview page as start page
- if this parameter is not set, the 'Servers' page will be the start page
[{ [-e, --example}] generates a demo environment landscape with eDir, AD, Notes and SAP systems

        • run 'run.bat landscpae.xml landscape-file1.xml ...' to generate the one landscape.xml file containing all discovered areas

        Command line:
          Merger xml_import_file xml_import_file1 xml_import_fileX ...

xml_import_file xml import files to be merged
  all xml files will be merged into the first xml file of the list

        • use the landscape_sample.xml file as a base configuration for your customer enviroment
        • run 'run.bat landscpae_customer.xml' to generate the customer html files
        • open the index.html with your HTML browser
          note: checkout the sample below how it might look like

        Command line:
          Reporter {-f,--file} xml_file [{-b,--base} common_base] [{-s,--smooth}]

{-f,--file} xml_file xml import file to generate the html structure
[{-b,--base} common_base] base directory, which contains the 'common' directory
[{-s,--smooth}] transparency effect with IE


Landscape Generator 1.5.1

Documentation Download Landscape Generator 1.5.1
Hits: 4670