General toxicological topics/Overviews
- E. Dopp: Endocrine active compounds in the environment and impact on human health. Int. Conf. „Women and Global Health “, Amity University Lucknow, India, Febr. 27th - March 1st, 2017
- E. Dopp: Ausgewählte Aspekte der umwelttoxikologischen Forschung. Hochschule Niederrhein, Fachbereich Analytische Chemie, 12.5. 2014, Krefeld, Germany, Host: Prof. B. Strehmel
- E. Dopp/A.W. Rettenmeier: Methylated Metal(oid) Species in Humans - Biodisposition and Toxicity -. Lucknow University, India, April 2010, Host: Prof. Q. Rahman
- E. Dopp: Macht Feinstaub krank? Interdisziplinärer Vortrag "Metropole Ruhr", Universität Essen, 21.8.2009, Organisator: ZWU
- E. Dopp: Considerations from the level of occupational toxicology and from research done on metal(loid)s and airborne partcles/fibres. Int. Workshop on "Dynamic Atlas of Industrial Diseases; Significant Case Studies in Europe and Asia", June 19th, 2007, Paris, France
- E. Dopp et al.: Zelluläre Aufnahme, Reaktivität und Zytotoxizität von Arsenverbindungen in humanen Leberzellen. DGAUM – Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Arbeitsmedizin und Umweltmedizin e. V., 45. Jahrestagung, 6. bis 9. April 2005 in Bochum, Germany - A.M. Florea/E. Dopp: Toxicity of Metal(loid) Species. University of California, Davis (UCD), May 12th, 2003, Host: Prof. E.N. Yamoah
Topic: Air quality and particle/fibre toxicity
- E. Dopp: Toxicological aspects of carbon nanotubes. InnoCNT, 2013, Stuttgart, Germany [link]
- E. Dopp: Strategy for Safety Evaluation of nanoparticles from a European Perspective. Int. Symposium on Nanomaterials: Application and Safety, Feb. 2nd, 2013, Lucknow University, India
- E. Dopp: Toxizitaetsbewertung von Nanomaterialien und Nanopartikeln. 4. NRW-Nanokonferenz, 18.10.2011, Dortmund, Germany
- E. Dopp: Nanoparticle-induced neurotoxic and proteomic changes at low-concentration-levels. Sept. 20th, 2011, EMPA Schwitzerland, Host: Prof. H. Krug
- E. Dopp: Untersuchungen zur toxikologischen Wirkung von quarzhaltigen Tonen und Bentoniten auf humane Lungenzellen. Verband Keramischer Rohstoffe, 23.2.2011, Wirges, Germany
- E. Dopp: Gesundheitliche Wirkung von Feinstaeuben. DECHEMA-Kolloquium "Feinstaeube: Erkenntnisse, Massnahmen und Bewertung", 27.10.2010, Frankfurt/Main, Germany
- E. Dopp: Toxicity of (nano)particles. Farewell-Symposium Gerrit Alink, Wageningen University, Wageningen (NL), July 9th, 2010
- E. Dopp: Toxizitaet von inhalierbaren Staeuben auf zellulaerer Ebene. 19.8.2009, Institut fuer Pathologie, Universitaetsklinikum Essen, Gastgeber: Prof. Schmid
- K. Bhattacharya/R.P.F. Schins/R. Kriehuber/E. Dopp: Uptake, translocation and cellular effects of nanoparticles in human cells: Comparison of Fe(III) and TiO2. Int. Symposium on Nanoparticles and the GI tract. March 5-8, 2009, Düsseldorf, Germany
- E. Dopp: Enhanced cyto- and genotoxic effects of Fe(III) nanoparticles compared to Fe(III) fine particles. ISNEPP 2007, Ford Lauderdale, Florida, 11-13 December 2007, USA
- E. Dopp: Presentation at WHO Workshop on Mechanisms of Fibre Carcinogenesis and Assessment of Chrysotile Asbestos Substitutes. 8.-12. Nov. 2005, WHO Lyon, France
- E. Dopp: Cytogenetic changes in mammalian cells after exposure to asbestos fibers. Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 13.2.2001, Gastgeber: Prof. H. Krug
- E. Dopp: Gentoxische und cytogenetische Aspekte der asbestinduzierten Kanzerogenese. Universität Karlsruhe, 23.11.2000, Gastgeber: Prof. A. Hartwig
- E. Dopp/A.W. Rettenmeier/D. Schiffmann: In vitro methods for the assessment of genotoxicity of fibers and particles. Int. Conference on the Toxicity of Fibres and Particles, Lucknow, India, Oct. 24-27, 2000
Topic: Water quality and toxicity evaluation of micropollutants
Schmid, C., aus der Beek, T., Schertzinger, G., Dopp, E. (2022) Assessment of drinking water treatment in China using bioassays. 13th BioDetector Conference, 13./14. September 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
Schmid, C., Büter, M., Dopp, E., aus der Beek, T. (2021) Occurrence, fate and assessment of 200 organic compounds and endocrine effects during drinking water treatment at Lake Taihu, China. SETAC Europe 2021, Sevilla, Spanien. 3-6 Mai 2021.
- Schertzinger G, Pannekens H, Balsaa P, Dopp E. (2020) Das GOW Konzept einmal anders gedacht - Möglichkeiten der Non-Target - und der Wirkungsbezogenen Analytik in der Trinkwasserüberwachung. 4. Mülheimer Wasseranalytisches Seminar (MWAS 2020), Mülheim a.d. Ruhr, Germany
E. Dopp (2019) Integrated approach for assessment of water quality by using effect-based methods in combination with chemical analysis. 12th BioDetector Conference, 26./27. September 2019, Wien, Österreich.
E. Dopp: Bioassays in combination with chemical analysis for assessment of water quality. International Water and Health Seminar, 25.-27.06.2018, Cannes, France.
E. Dopp/M. Eisinger: Activities regarding an Indo-German Collaboration in the field of water research. Indo-German Workshop on „Simulation and Modeling Techniques for Water Pollution and Resources Management”, Amity University Lucknow, India, Febr. 26th, 2017
H. Bielak/F. Itzel/A. Simon/J. Tuerk/E. Dopp: Impact of ozone treatment on the degradation and activity of endocrine active substances in waste water. 10th MicroPoll & Ecohazard Conference, Sept. 17-2, 2017, Vienna, Austria
H. Pannekens/A. Gottschlich/E. Dopp: Evaluation of mixture effects of endocrine active substances in wastewater using the CALUX reporter-gene assay. 10th BioDetector Conference, April 6-7, 2017, Sorrento, Italy
H. Pannekens/E. Dopp: Combination effects of endocrine active pharmaceuticals in wastewaters using the Calux reporter-gene assay. 1st International Conference on risk Assessment of Pharamceuticals in the Environment (ICRAPHE), Sept. 2016, Paris, France
E. Dopp: Detektion und Bewertung der Toxizität von Abwasserproben vor und nach der Aufbereitung mit oxidativen Verfahren. Tagung der Geschäftsführer der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Niedersachsen, 02. November 2015, Walsrode, Germany.
E. Dopp/V. Linnemann/A. Simon/R. Dolny/H. Bielak/A. Nahrstedt: The use of bioasays in wastewater treatment processes to evaluate the efficiency of ozonation and activated carbon filters. 4th Int. Symposium on Effect-related evaluation of anthoropogenic trace substances, 22.-23.10.2015, Aachen, Germany
E. Dopp/J. Richard/S. Kowal/T.C. Schmidt/A. Börgers/J. Türk: Detection of the biological activity of micropollutants in ozone-treated waste water effluents of waste water treatment plants (WWTP) in NRW. Symposium on Environmental Toxicology (EnTox) in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, 07. + 08. Mai 2015, Dortmund.
E. Dopp: Detection of endocrine disrupting and genotoxic compounds in waste water treatment plant (WWTP) effluents. 8th BioDetectors Conference, 25.-26.09.2014, Turin, Italia.
E. Dopp: Bioassays for the assessment of metabolite formation during the use of ozone in municipal wastewater treatment processes. 8th Micropol & Ecohazard, 16.-20. 2013, Zurich, Switzerland
J. Richard/E. Dopp: Chemical and toxicological analyses of micropollutants in waste water treatment plant effluents before and after oxidative treatment. ACS- Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, March 27th, 2012
E. Dopp/T. Schmidt/S. Kowal: Toxizitaetsbewertung von Klaeranlagenablaeufen nach weitergehender Aufbereitung mit Oxidationsverfahren. 45. ESSENER Tagung, 16.3.2012, Essen, Germany
E. Dopp: Toxizitaetsuntersuchungen von Klaeranlagenablaeufen nach der Oxidation. Forum Wasseraufbereitung, IWW Muelheim/Ruhr, 24.11.2011, Muelheim, Germany
E. Dopp/J. Richard/A. Börgers/J. Türk/K. Bester: Toxikologische Beurteilung von Spurenstoffen im Abwasser vor und nach der oxidativen Abwassebehandlung. Wasser2011, 30.5.-1.6. 2011, Norderney, Germany
J. Richard/A. Börgers/X. Chen/N. Janzen/J. Türk/K. Bester/E. Dopp: Genotoxic properties of water contaminants before and after oxidative wastewater treatment. 3rd Int. Symposium on Water Contaminants, 22.-24. Sept. 2010, Freiburg i. Breisgau, Germany
E. Dopp: Zelluläre Aufnahme, subzelluläre Verteilung und Toxizität von Arsenverbindungen in methylierenden und nicht-methylierenden Zellen. ISAS Dortmund, 3.5.2010, Germany
R. Zdrenka/E. Dopp et al.: Early molecular changes in the genome of arsenic-exposed human urothelial cells (UROtsa) depending on cellular uptake and biotransformation. 3rd Int. Congress on Arsenic in the Environment, May 17-21, 2010, Tainan, Taiwan
E. Dopp: Zelluläre Aufnahme, subzelluläre Verteilung und Toxizität von Arsenverbindugen in methylierenden und nicht-methylierenden Zellen. ISAS Dortmund, 3.2.2009, Gastgeber: Prof. N. Esser
E. Dopp: Cellular uptake, subcellular distribution and toxicity of arsenic compounds. 2nd Int. Congress on Arsenic in the Environment, May 21-23, 2008, Valencia, Spain
Curriculum Vitae, Papers, Books, Book Articles, Guidance Documents, Review Articles
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